
Showing posts from September, 2007

He keeps your gates strong and your borders safe

Praise the Lord O Jerusalem Praise your God O Zion He keeps your gates strong He blesses your people He keeps your borders safe and satisfies you with the finest wheat he gives a command to the earth and what he says is quickly done Psalm 147: 12-15 This Psalm reminds us of God's goodness to his people, his protective power over out lives. It is by His grace that our enemies have not triumphed over us. we should remember these and give Him praise everyday.

He trains me for battle

Praise the Lord my protector, he trains me for battle and prepares me for war he is my protector and defender my shelter and saviour in whom I trust for safety He subdues the nations under me. Psalm 144: 1&2 Dear friends, This wonderful psalm tells us how the almighty God prepares us or our everyday challenges. There are several battles in our lives as Christians . This could be related to our marriages , our jobs, our businesses and about our role as parents We can trust the holy spirit to give us ideas and counsel on how to handle all these problems. Since Jesus our Shepherd is alive, we do not have to feel alone or shattered in face of daunting challenges, eh holy spirit is with us to help us out of our difficult situations. God has already prepared you for that challenge you are facing now, so invite the holy spirit to lead you on this journey of life. God richly bless you for visiting this site again. Isabella Orhin Accra, Ghana